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A jurist of your level I am not, but if there is any doubt that the 14th does not grant citizenship to those born on our shores to people beholden to foreign powers, or to people here without legal status, it will be adjudicated by nine others at least your equal. Your cocky certainty is not warranted by the language in the document. Meantime, the benefit of the doubt goes to the executive as immigration and naturalization is within its purview.

Your travel tale to the pristine and ecologically important Highlands was a pleasant prelude to the foolishness you gushed thereafter. So tell us, what rivers have you saved lately? What have you done for your planet? Perhaps you should take yourself up on your wistful suggestion to relocate there. Participate in the reforestation. Lose some weight. Your worm-brained insult to RFK is suggestive of what may sup on your own grey matter.

Like you, a Christian I am not, but I'd dunk my head into baptism's font and beg absolution before I'd let secular humanism make of me less than a man.

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