Daniel's Den
Daniel's (Audio) Den
Why Hitchens Still Matters: Den Discussion #1, with Matt Johnson

Why Hitchens Still Matters: Den Discussion #1, with Matt Johnson

Plus: an introduction to the Den Discussions and other miscellany, including discussion on fascism, Trump, and George Galloway (aka the Shame of Scotland).

Hello! This is the first instalment of what I hope will at least become a semi-regular series of Den Discussions, in which I speak to people I find interesting about what I think are interesting subjects. Going forward, these discussions will take the place of some of my readings from books/essays/poems etc, though those will not completely disappear. As I said, these discussions might not be regular or predictable in appearance, let alone subject, but I do hope that they become a significant part of this little Substack of mine.

Anyway, this is my first Den Discussion. It’s with my friend Matt Johnson, a writer and the author of a forthcoming book about Christopher Hitchens. This book is the topic of our conversation. I could think of nobody else so appropriate as Matt, who I admire enormously and who I am proud to call a friend, to start off this new project of mine, and I hope you enjoy our discussion.

Order Matt's excellent book: https://www.amazon.com/Hitchens-Save-Left-Rediscovering-Counter-Enlightenment/dp/1634312341

Follow Matt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mattjj89/

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Daniel's Den
Daniel's (Audio) Den
An accompaniment to my Substack—for readings, conversations, musings, and more.